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Annual Peppercorn Pub Crawl 2023

By Chilli Pepper

Well that's a wrap! Thank you to all of those who came along and a congrats to those who stuck around to the end (I think there were around 15-ish at the end at Hopscotch?).

Here were the bars we went to:

  1. Badger - 6:30pm

  2. PJs - 7:20pm [skipped for more time at Badger]

  3. O'Malley's- 8pm

  4. Bootleg - 8:40pm

  5. Civic Pub - 9:20pm [pool was hectic]

  6. Hopscotch - 10pm

Here are the anonymous answers from some our the pub crawling ANU law students:

What is your spiciest take on ANU law?

“Mainstream body of law students is privileged and standoffish - definitely cliquey and class oriented”

What is the easiest and hardest law course at ANU and why?

“Hardest law course I’ve had to do is Corporations - the course convenor was not good for me… I found Torts the easiest for content, but Contracts was also so easy - none are that difficult if they’re taught well…”

What do you want to see more at the College of Law and why?

“More support from lecturers... sometimes it feels more like punishment than teaching..."

What do you think about the “Law Files”?

“To be honest, I don’t really care that much. Some people send files, so be it. Too out of proportion. Too much hype."

How has COVID impacted your experience at uni, including in the lead up to uni?

“I want to do more social events - being stuck in res during COVID was a horrifying experience… On-campus lecturing/tutoring is not what I want, just doing social events and getting involved.”

If you had Schmidt in a room and he said he’ll use his science magic to grant you three wishes right before he resigns, what would you wish for?

“A house… a grad job and a friendship with Justice Edelman.”

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Peppercorn is the official publication of the ANU Law Students’ Society (LSS). The views and opinions expressed in Peppercorn are those of their respective authors. They do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of Peppercorn, the ANU LSS, or any sponsors. Due care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of each article, and that the views and opinions of any named individuals or organisations are taken into account where relevant.

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